Monday, 10 October 2011

Post Production

This image was taken infront of a green screen, to make the editing process easier. I experimented with this picture, creating multiple examples of review ideas.

With this image I had the idea to manipulate the shadow and tone of the image. I converted the colour tone to sepia, portraying an 'old-fashioned' effect. Furthermore the sepia tone distorted the quality of the image, emphasising the old style effect I was trying to achieve.
The main issue with this image was the photo wasn't taken on a blank background. Therefore editing was difficult when selecting and manipulating the image. I had to black out the entire background and remaster the position of objects.
This was our final chosen image to use for our magazine front cover. We decided as a group this was the most effective and neat image for a magazine cover. I managed to manipulate this photo, by adjusting the brightness, contrast and tone of the image. Furthermore I added the title of the cover and placed it behind the character, similar to the 'Empire' magazine.

Another Edited rough copy of a movie poster.

We think this looks like more of an album cover rather than a teaser poster. Still i think it is a cool concept with the tag line which is a convention for the movie poster. And "COMING SOON" is also a convention that we stuck too and used. The logos at the bottom are always used for movie posters aswell. Again this is like the Clint Eastwood poster we posted previous. It also has a great sixties feel to it with the Ray Ban sun glasses. Again this is a rough draft and is not our offical movie teaser poster.

Unmanipulated Photos

Production: Draft Idea

Here is a very roughly edited teaser poster that was edited from an old photo we found in our files on a memory stick. This is not our official movie teaser poster but just a rough draft we liked. It follows the conventions of a Johnny Cash album cover but not the same size. As you can see it is very minimalistic in terms of text only the title can be seen & there is no tagline.

It is supposed to look like John Walters the character is standing on stage in all his glory with his guitar on his back in an iconic Johnny Cash like pose. The spotlight is focused on the character and the text is very minimalistic showing classic conventions of a movie poster.

Photo shoot. Wednesday the 5th of October.

This is an example of one of the photos taken on Wednesday. The intention of these photos was to use them for our magazine front cover. We thought by using this back ground we could straight away elminate creating a back ground on photoshop. Simply because the back ground here is perfect its dingy and minimalistic. I also feel it looks alot like an Empire Magazine front cover because the photos are usually taken way before the production has even started. Almost like the photo is taken especially for the magazine front cover in some sort of contract.

As you can see we have decided to have the character in costume rather than the main actor in a suit. We decided to do this because we wanted to stick to the conventions of many other movie magazine covers. We also decided that it would be significant having a large shadow cast on the wall behind the character as it shows a potentional split-personality problem. Clearly this is no edited yet but we are currently working on our official magazine front cover right now.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

production teaser poster 5/10/11

In today's lesson we decided to shoot our final ideas for our teaser poster. We decided to shoot these photos in one of the school's drama studios, our initial thought to shoot there was because it was being refurbished, and gave that typical run-down look, which is ideal for our photos and our genre. We also borrowed the photography lights form the art block, this gave us the opportunity to change the focus of the lights, therefore we could create many different shots and angles of the light for our actor. We also used different props such as clothing, a guitar and a case for the guitar, all of these were used to portray a western genre.
We had to use an extension lead for the lights, as well as having a huge piece of scaffolding right next to the lights, which did obstruct us at times, although I believe we made it work to the best of our ability.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Similar poster - Gran Torino

As you can see we based our simple draft poster which you can see further down on the blog on Clint Eastwood's brilliant 2009 film poster for "GRAN TORINO". The conventions for a poster like this are:

  • "COMING SOON" at the bottom of the page shows it is still a while until it is released but builds excitment.
  • "CLINT EASTWOOD" at the top before the title showing off that the film has a big named Hollywood actor in it which of course gets the lookers attention.
  • The titles in a large golden font which is significant consdering everything else is dark and dingy in terms of colour.
  • The list of actors, producers, all important crew members and the directors name can be seen under the title but it is always very small writing and faint because they do not want the small print to attract the lookers away from the star and the title. Also at the bottom the Warner Brothers logo is showing which is standard for a film poster shows the film companies involvement.
  • Finally the actual picture is a side profile shot almost like a silhouette of a warn old face looking in the distance which create a sense of enigma "what is this about?".

I like this poster because it creates wonder and mystery the lighting is also very cool. We will create a similar look withour film poster.

Ancillary: Images For Poster and Front Cover

This is the first time we have worked with a green screen in terms of taking pictures I am still yet to make any sort of film footage using one though I hope to do that in the future. As you can see from this pictures we got some large bright lights from the photography department in our school. I feel those lights improved the pictures also it helped that we were using a DSLR HD camera. When using this specialist camera we found looking back at the images that we were impressed with how clear and crisp the photos were.

The editing process becomes a lot easier when using a plain or green background because it is very simple now to cut objects and people out of the photo. Using the green screen is also fun because there are a lot of backgrounds, fonts, objects and colours you can use with the editing programme.

Teaser Poster

This is not a final copy of our film teaser poster but it is a work in progress and i just wanted to show the sort of look we are going for. As you can see it is very minimalistic in terms of colour which reflects the tone and mood of the film. I like this close up side profile shot because it's almost like there is something different on the other side of his face which then leads onto viral marking and enigmas.

There is no font of writing on it yet. Obviously if this was our poster people would be asking what it is about because all it seems to be is a shot of a man with glasses on. Once a suitable tagline is fitted onto the poster such as "THE HARDER THE LIFE, THE SWEETER THE SONG" it will become a lot clearer in terms of what genre this film fits into. There is a certain class to this photo though black and white i feel pays respects to the old school film making methods. We are currently in the process on editing a final poster but we are thinking of making several ones as we want to explore what we can do with photoshop and green screened picture taking.