Wednesday 14 December 2011

Poster Analysis- John Walters

We used a light background on Jimmy’s front side to firstly show him in colour, but secondly the use of the black shadow behind him to show how his character is somewhat confused, and shows a sense of insecurity and uncertainty.

Here we have the use of writing in our title and the tagline which stands out as it is white on black. We used the font Engravers MT as it gave us the impression of a western film genre, and also gave us our own feel. As we created this poster ourselves.

Here we have our actor, Jimmy, who is posing as a washed up country singer, who is slowly regaining his stardom, to create this we used the correct costume such as shirt and tie, to portray a singer who is slowly coming back. We also used a guitar case, to make the storyline clearer for our audience. The use of lighting was also used to show how our character has turned away from his past, and is now living a new life.

The use of lighting was specifically used to show how our character has changed his ways, and is now living a new life, the lighting effect was also brilliant as it created a shadow effect behind Jimmy

The use of titles was included as this is one of our own production companies in which we created, specifically for the resurrection of John Walters. We also made our own website and pictures companies.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Wednesday 7th December

In today’s lesson we have finished the editing of our evaluation, and are now looking for specific pictures to add into our final evaluation, we have edited all of our evaluation including the sound, and we are now biding our time, looking for pictures to include into our evaluation. As the producer I am closely watching over the process of the evaluation, and watching closely at the editing.

Wednesday 7th December

Wednesday 23rd November

Today we have started and completed our evaluations, which included talking about production work, editing, and research and planning. All these areas were key as this was essential for us creating a professional and successful looking trailer, all of which were included in our evaluation. As our entire group members had different roles, so therefore we had to talk about our specific roles, and how we helped the group to create a successful trailer.

Monday 21st November

We have finally overcome our problems with the editing of our poster and magazine cover. We used a specific technique on Adobe Photoshop called masking, which allowed us to go around Jimmy’s head, and put the title behind his head, this was a great achievement for us, as we had never used masking in any editing process before. Our poster was also a success as we used a technique which also allowed us to mask around jimmy’s body and therefore, out a jet black background, showing a mysterious shadow lingering over jimmy, as stated in previous posts, this is because we wanted to create an unclear character.

Wednesday 9th November

Both the poster and magazine covers have hit a small stumbling block as the editing process on both have become very tricky to understand and complete, therefore, causing our editors a slight problem in completing them. We are having problems with Adobe Photoshop as our Title is going in front of our lead actors head, therefore making the poster look unrealistic and scruffy. We are also having a problem with the background, as we cannot colour around our character without colour going over him, we are working together in trying to solve these minor issues.

Wednesday 2nd November

Now all of our production work was complete we then had to move on to the editing of our poster and magazine cover. This proved difficult for us as we had hundreds of photos to choose from. Through the choosing process, we wanted to create something that would stand out, but also represent what our character was about, as our character comes across as a drunken mess who is unclear in what way his life is heading. So we thought having a dark background on one side, and a light shining on the other, would represent a clear and maybe mistaken character, and how his life is slowly transforming.

With our magazine cover we wanted to create something that was eye-catching, and would intrigue the reader, we included added incentives, such as other films we had thought of, and put them on our front cover, for this we used different fonts to show how they all have their own styles and different representations. Then we thought that this would be a continuity error for our magazine and make it stand out for the wrong reasons.
Our magazine and poster is coming along nicely, we now just have to add the finishing touches, and then we will be completely finished.