Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Film Teaser Trailer Ideas

7th March 2011:
Before starting our film trailer we had brainstormed ideas immediately after creating our opening scene in AS level.

Use of Synergy

During the process of creating our film trailer, we looked to get feedback from our audience. We allowed classmates to review the film and give us criticism that would help us improve. One member of the group noted the feedback so we could look back at what was said.

We used social networking sites to get a wider range of criticism from a range of ages, including family members, friends and friends' of friends. Facebook and Youtube worked most effectively, as Facebook users could instantly watch and share our film trailer, similarly with Youtube sharing and commenting.

To edit our main task we used Apple's Final Cut Express Pro. This is an advanced video editing software, created by Apple Inc. This was a new video editing software for us to use, as we had previously used Adobe Premiere Pro. Although Premiere Pro doesn't edit HD video, so we used this as an alternative. It took some practise and tutorials to learn how to master Final Express Pro, and stylise parts of our film trailer such as the title's font and transitions.

To create the ancillary tasks I used Adobe Photoshop, as I am more familiar with that software. Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing software, that helped me adapt images with text/font and different lighting. Also I used it to manipulate images, for example removing John Walters from an image and extended the shadow to create the poster.
Shown below is the final poster and its original image. I used Photoshop to create the poster, enhancing the brightness, contrast and shadows of the image.