This film is like many other teaser trailers, in the way it is constructed and produced. in the opening credits the audience can see the american association of motion pictures as well as the production company 'The Weinstein Company', once the beginning credits are over, the trailer then begins.
the opening of the teaser introduces the main character or Bob Dylan, on stage when 'all I can do is be me, whoever that is'. This gives the audience a small taster of what the audience expect to see, once the words fade out, suddenly 6 different characters pop up, showing maybe how the storyline shows different points of view and not just from one specific persona.
quick small shots show the trailer which are followed by graphics showing the actors names, this will engage the audience if they have a favoured actor who they may wish to go and see in a specific role like 'i'm not there'.
The trialer keeps progressing and then in big, bold writing the words 'Are all BOB DYLAN' this portrays how the film is coming from the same person 'bob dylan' yet there are 6 different actors portraying one major icon.
We wanted to portray a character a lot like Bob Dylan who has had a torrid time with life, we created a character who is torn form the rest, and has a major addiction with drink and drugs, and we believed Bob Dylan was an immense character to study.