Monday, 19 September 2011

Crazy Heart - Official Trailer

This teaser trailer for the film 'Crazy Heart' is consturcted the same way as many other teasers. This includes the mention of the 'Motion Picture Association of America' which is then quickly followed by the production company 'Fox Searchlight Pictures'. As soon as the logo is shown the music for the trailer begins immediatly and sets the tone for the entire trailer which is quite slow and relaxed.

The trailer quickly sets up the main characters by having them introduce themselves 'Jean Craddock' and 'Bad Blake' this is so that the viewer starts to feel some connection with them beacsue otherwise they wouldn't relate to them if they remained unnamed. This is then quickly followed by graphics repeating the production companys name and naming the main actors and their achievements e.g. '4 Time Academy Award Nominee Jeff Bridges' this is to try and engage the viewer and make them want to see the film if they are a fan of Jeff Bridges who is an amazing actor.

The trailer continues with several shots revealing the progression of Bad Blakes life as he experiences the highs and lows with the people he encounters. Also it is quite clear to the viewer that his appearance changes because during the trailer they see him as a drunk with nothing and then they see him as a respectable man loving life this is to show that the film follows his life.

This is what we want to do with our trailer because we want to show that our charcter of John Walters goes through many hardships in his life and that the film will document how he has or hasn't coped with all that has happened to him.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see that you're relating this to what you wish to accomplish, you have a good range of media across your blog which makes it clearer to understand what your final product will look like, keep up the good work guys!
