Friday 27 April 2012

Targetting Our Audience

As we already had our influential films in place from our last project we started to research into how these film target an audience. The chosen films were: Walk The Line (2005), Crazy Heart (2009) and  I'm Not There (2007).

Crazy Heart and I'm Not There are two films with a rated 15 certificate, because they contain scenes with more explicit objects or actions such as drugs, alcohol and nudity. Walk The Line is more discreet about showing these sensitive subjects, by showing them less frequent. In our film, the idea was to create an emotional and serious view on the affects of drugs and alcohol. To create a more indepth view of these substances we were liable to use graphic scenes that may contain violence and drug taking. This came into terms when we chose our target audience because we certainly did not want to explore this subject to younger spectators.
 Furthermore we felt as though this film would be targetted for a more mature audience, as children may not understand the message put across from the films and what the film shows. Similarly to the film Crazy Heart, our intentions were to show a dysfunctional life of the protagonist character (John Walters). We thought that someone may relate to this lifestyle by struggling with obstacles in the way of happiness. 

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