Wednesday 8 June 2011

Feedback: Pitch

Feedback from presentation
· You will need loads of locations to cover John Walters journey as he goes through his addiction
· Need extras to make it seem like he is performing to an audience
· Will you use the school stage when performing to show that John Walters is at a venue?
· Sound may be an issue when filming outside so you may need to over dub layering recorded sound over the film.
· Filming in HD may require actors to wear make up
· What sort of music are you going to use? Existing music or are you going to sing your own songs.
· Could use a heartbeat sound effect showing his decent as images of his life flash up indicating his fall from grace.
· May need to use graphic titles for the film name but not for critical reviews or award nominations.
· Have a look on to get an idea of how trailers are done.

1 comment:

  1. I think the trailer needs to show this character's ups and downs, Jimmy. The audience will expect to see him go on a 'journey'.
